
In Living Color

3 Invitations for Young Evaluators to Take Up Space By Michaela Anang

This month I had the privilege of participating in a webinar on “Young People and Enabling Evaluation Environment.” As Young and Emerging Evaluators, we have a myriad of questions and challenges to face re-evaluating hierarchies and norms that were once the status quo, all to enter a field that wants us here! Here are a few quotes from just two of the inspiring speakers, with added thoughts on how, as young evaluators, we must hone our capacity to take up space. 

  1. “Be a voice not an echo.” ~Weronika Felcis 

While we learn from our evaluation mentors and predecessors, it is also important to incorporate our unique experiences, perspectives, and identities into the dialogue. Bring intention to evaluation work and conversation in meaningful, prudent and conscious ways.

  1. “Don’t be intimidated.” ~Khalil Bitar 

Be empowered to bring your presence, ideas, and passions to engagements, including staying connected to local understanding and knowledge and in government and activism. Engage with the opportunities that feel purposed, create those that don’t exist already.

  1. “Build your life not a career.” ~Weronika Felcis 

Many of us have been told that we should be building resumes... we have to upend that to build ourselves. Prioritize real work through real engagement and connection in community, and integrate how evaluation can be in service of individual and collective wellbeing. 

Thank you to the webinar organizers, presenters and participants! This reflection is part one, stay tuned as the conversation continues with sharing the space. In the meantime, share with us how you take up space as a young and emerging evaluator!

#evaluation #webinar #youth #emergence #mirrorgroupllc #evalyouth

Michaela Anang is a past Research & Evaluation Assistant at Mirror Group LLC.

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