
In Living Color

5 Shifts To Integrate Equity Into Implementation Research And Evaluation by Mindelyn Anderson

Thank you to Beadsie Woo, Kimberly DuMont, Allison Metz, and Sarah Morrison for convening 20 of us from around the country to tackle the critical question, What role can the implementation science research community play in increasing equity for all communities? 

With insights from academia, nonprofit, foundation, government, and community-based practitioners, we crowdsourced 5 shifts to support the equitable implementation of evidence-based practices. 

Have you implemented these practices in your research and evaluation work? How do you co-develop and co-implement evidence-based practices with community? How do you prepare the next generation of researchers and evaluators to implement equity as inclusive excellence and rigor? What other equitable practices can you add to the conversation? 

Join the call to action. 

#DIScience18 #impsci #equity #LEEAD #equitableeval #mirrorgroup #AUSPExSonline

Mindelyn Anderson is Founder + Principal of Mirror Group LLC

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