March Virtual Workshop: Using a Culturally Responsive and Racial Equity Lens to Guide Strategic Engagement and Evaluation
March 8th and 9th, 1-5PM EST
(You must attend both sessions)
The field of evaluation is being challenged to utilize a process that considers who is being evaluated and who is conducting the evaluation. This workshop presents useful frameworks, tools, and approaches that evaluators could consider focusing on the ways that race and culture might influence an evaluation process; this has resulted in the development of a framework for conducting evaluation using a culturally responsive and racial equity lens. This workshop focuses the practical use of a racial equity lens when conducting evaluation. The framework argues that culture and race are important considerations when conducting an evaluation because we believe that there are both critical and substantive nuances that are often missed, ignored, and/or misinterpreted when an evaluator is not aware of the culture of those being evaluated.
Over The Two Days, Participants Will:
Work with a template for analyzing programs through a culturally responsive and racial equity lens, designed to focus deliberately on an evaluation process that takes race, culture, equity, and community context into consideration.
Acquire a “How-to Process” focused on the cultural competencies of individuals conducting evaluations, how such competencies might be improved, and strategies for doing so. This “How-to Process” is the result of thinking around developing a self-assessment instrument for evaluators, is based primarily on the cultural-proficiencies literature, and relates specifically to components of the template.
Engage in small-group exercises to apply the concepts contained in the template to real-world evaluation processes.
Gain practical knowledge on the use of a culturally responsive and racial equity lens in their work.
This virtual workshop provides 8 hours of professional development, spread over two days, with small group work and interactive exercises.
The registration fee is $395 per person.