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Washington Evaluators: Identifying and Building Professional Skills for New and Emerging Evaluators

Identifying and Building Professional Skills for New and Emerging Evaluators

Led by Drs. Mindelyn Anderson and Esther Nolton, January 26, 5:00-6:30pm

This interactive session for new and emerging evaluators will feature a pre-session skills assessment regarding the recently published AEA Evaluator Competencies. This assessment will allow attendees to discover opportunities for skill-building! Drs. Mindelyn Anderson of Mirror Group LLC and Esther Nolton of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute will facilitate discussions to help attendees discover their strengths and opportunities, and offer suggestions for ways in which evaluators can sharpen their skills! This is the second of a series of sessions dedicated to helping new and emerging evaluators identify and craft the necessary skills for their career. 

This event is limited to 60 people. Please register by January 22, 2021 to confirm. 

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