DVR TIG Week: Note-Taking with Flair: Drawing Connections by Michaela Anang and Mindelyn Anderson
With the start of a new decade, Mirror Group LLC is doubling down on our commitment to make data accessible, engaging, and reflective of learning organizations and communities. We capture data and infuse it with personality and graphic elements to produce niche evaluation, learning, and strategy products. To further support the transformation of data into action we began utilizing Sketchnoting!
Here are some of the low cost, high quality tools we use to add digital flair to our evaluation work.
Rad Resources:
Computer-based applications are a great start! (Cool Trick: Use a stylus on your laptop trackpad for rudimentary drawings… click down and drag!). We use software like Google Drawings and Microsoft OneNote to incorporate sketchnotes across other applications. YouTube is another resource for exploring the wide world of sketchnoting with An Introduction To Visual Note-Taking or the foundations of graphic creation with Google Draw Basics + Overview. Moving from computer to tablet, we incorporate iPad and Apple Pencil hardware to support these and other apps like Autodesk Sketchbook.
Read more at the AEA 365 Blog.