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Mirror Group

“We are the Data + Equity People.”

Mirror Group, LLC is a consulting firm that leverages partnerships with fellow evaluators, researchers, subject matter experts, and change makers to bring collaborative, participatory, utilization-focused evaluation and capacity-building to a broader range of organizations.

We apply our expertise in culturally responsive and equitable evaluation, inclusive stakeholder engagement processes, evaluation capacity building, and rigorous research design to support programs and organizations. Our penchant for collaborating with community partners to interpret and synthesize mixed qualitative and quantitative data and present empirically pertinent, theoretically meaningful, and practically useful results has earned us a reputation for skilled data collection, expert analysis, and accessible reporting.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation to inquire about whether our services are right for you.



(202) 827-6955


Areas of Practice


No matter your research design, we have you covered. Our Ph.D.-level trained consultants are well-versed in advanced qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research. Let us meet your data collection, analysis, reporting, and visualization needs.


We collect information with a view toward useful and effective reporting for multiple audiences. Let us partner with you to leverage data that are meaningful, accessible, and actionable for organizational planning, process improvement, sustainability, and long-term impact.

technical assistance + training

This is not one-size-fits-all TA, we collaborate with you to co-develop custom supports, trainings, and coaching. Let us integrate capacity building into your organizational processes, programmatic workflows, and strategic planning.


Sometimes you want to shake it up a bit and actively engage your team, or you need someone to act as a buffer during difficult conversations. We are here to roll up our sleeves to assist you in doing the real work of trust and relationship building to support your teamwork efforts.

strategic planning

You know where you want to go, but you are not sure how to get there with equity woven throughout your organizational practices, policies, and processes. Call on us for external counsel with insider knowledge to help you implement your vision.

Change management

Change is not easy, but it is necessary to align your organizational aspirations with performance. Request our supports to navigate politics, build consensus, and develop networks across core functions and roles to produce values-aligned work processes.




Selected Clients

The American Evaluation Association is a professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation. The AEA’s mission is to improve e…

The American Evaluation Association is a professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation. The AEA’s mission is to improve evaluation practices and methods, increase evaluation use, promote evaluation as a profession, and support the contribution of evaluation to the generation of theory and knowledge about effective human action. Mirror Group LLC facilitates hands-on workshops that engage participants with action strategies, tools and techniques to deliver exemplary evaluative services and conduct rigorous evaluations at their home organizations.

The East Baltimore Research Project (EBRP) is an initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The intent of this project is to partner with predominantly Black East Baltimore communities to enable a greater number of residents to use data to advocate for themselves and make decisions about their community that will lead to vibrant, equitable and sustainable neighborhoods. This East Baltimore resident-led work is guided by team values including trustworthiness, transparency, accountability, flexibility, purposefulness, inclusivity and respect. Mirror Group LLC documents the work processes, decision making, and leadership assumption of community, foundation, and consultant stakeholders for planning and implementation of the East Baltimore Research Project.

The East Baltimore Research Project (EBRP) is an initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The intent of this project is to partner with predominantly Black East Baltimore communities to enable a greater number of residents to use data to advocate for themselves and make decisions about their community that will lead to vibrant, equitable and sustainable neighborhoods. This East Baltimore resident-led work is guided by team values including trustworthiness, transparency, accountability, flexibility, purposefulness, inclusivity and respect. Mirror Group LLC documents the work processes, decision making, and leadership assumption of community, foundation, and consultant stakeholders for planning and implementation of the East Baltimore Research Project.

The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Mirror Group LLC evaluated Audubon's Fund II Foundation Apprentices…

The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Mirror Group LLC evaluated Audubon's Fund II Foundation Apprenticeship program pilot which was designed to provide robust, practical learning experiences for apprentices of color and develop knowledge and skills that will enable apprentices to secure full-time employment with an environmental conservation organization.

The Baltimore Children and Youth Fund (the Fund) is a $12 million non-lapsing fund dedicated to supporting Baltimore’s children, youth, and young adults. The Fund was launched in 2015 by Baltimore City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young and approved by voters in November 2016 with over 80 percent support. Mirror Group LLC serves as evaluation, learning, and strategy partner to the Fund, providing evaluation strategy, management, and capacity building implementation supports.

The Baltimore Children and Youth Fund (the Fund) is a $12 million non-lapsing fund dedicated to supporting Baltimore’s children, youth, and young adults. The Fund was launched in 2015 by Baltimore City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young and approved by voters in November 2016 with over 80 percent support. Mirror Group LLC serves as evaluation, learning, and strategy partner to the Fund, providing evaluation strategy, management, and capacity building implementation supports.

Couples Advancing Together (CAT) is a pilot program signed into law by Governor Martin O’Malley in May 2013. CAT provides healthy relationship skill building, employment assistance, and case management services, to couples with children who currently receive public benefits through the Department of Social Services. The primary objectives of CAT are to help couples move toward healthy relationships and family-friendly employment that improves their economic circumstances and provides support for lasting family units for both parents and children. Mirror Group LLC conducted a qualitative empowerment evaluation of the program to engage a range of organizational, program and community stakeholders, and vividly reflect nuanced experiences of program participants, facilitators, and staff for program evaluation and refinement.

Couples Advancing Together (CAT) is a pilot program signed into law by Governor Martin O’Malley in May 2013. CAT provides healthy relationship skill building, employment assistance, and case management services, to couples with children who currently receive public benefits through the Department of Social Services. The primary objectives of CAT are to help couples move toward healthy relationships and family-friendly employment that improves their economic circumstances and provides support for lasting family units for both parents and children. Mirror Group LLC conducted a qualitative empowerment evaluation of the program to engage a range of organizational, program and community stakeholders, and vividly reflect nuanced experiences of program participants, facilitators, and staff for program evaluation and refinement.

CLLCTIVLY “Building Black Futures Together” is a place-based social change organization centering Black Genius, Narrative Power, Social Network, Resource Mobilization. Mirror Group provided evaluation technical assistance services with the development of MEAL (measurement, evaluation, accountability, and learning) tools of logic model, theory of change, measures and indicators options, and evaluation roadmap.

CLLCTIVLY “Building Black Futures Together” is a place-based social change organization centering Black Genius, Narrative Power, Social Network, Resource Mobilization. Mirror Group provided evaluation technical assistance services with the development of MEAL (measurement, evaluation, accountability, and learning) tools of logic model, theory of change, measures and indicators options, and evaluation roadmap.

The Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment(CREA) is an international community of scholars/practitioners that exists to promote a culturally responsive stance in all forms of systematic inquiry including evaluation, assessment, policy analysis, applied research and action research. Using its base at the University of Illinois, the Center provides a resource for organizations and individuals seeking to better understand and apply cultural responsiveness. CREA seeks to produce a body of informed practitioners, published scholarship, professional development opportunities, technical assistance resources and advocacy advancing cultural responsiveness across inquiry platforms and settings. Mirror Group LLC co-facilitates full-day professional development workshops on Utilizing a Culturally Responsive and Racial Equity Lens in Strategic Engagement and Evaluation along with LEEAD network colleagues.

The Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment(CREA) is an international community of scholars/practitioners that exists to promote a culturally responsive stance in all forms of systematic inquiry including evaluation, assessment, policy analysis, applied research and action research. Using its base at the University of Illinois, the Center provides a resource for organizations and individuals seeking to better understand and apply cultural responsiveness. CREA seeks to produce a body of informed practitioners, published scholarship, professional development opportunities, technical assistance resources and advocacy advancing cultural responsiveness across inquiry platforms and settings. Mirror Group LLC co-facilitates full-day professional development workshops on Utilizing a Culturally Responsive and Racial Equity Lens in Strategic Engagement and Evaluation along with LEEAD network colleagues.

GEO is a community of funders committed to transforming philanthropic culture and practice by connecting members to the resources and relationships needed to support thriving nonprofits and communities. They envision courageous grantmakers working in service of nonprofits and communities to create a just, connected and inclusive society where we can all thrive. In 2020 Mirror Group LLC facilitated CEO/Senior Leader equity learning series with GEO members at foundations across the nation.

GEO is a community of funders committed to transforming philanthropic culture and practice by connecting members to the resources and relationships needed to support thriving nonprofits and communities. They envision courageous grantmakers working in service of nonprofits and communities to create a just, connected and inclusive society where we can all thrive. In 2020 Mirror Group LLC facilitated CEO/Senior Leader equity learning series with GEO members at foundations across the nation.

For 18 years, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) lowers barriers to the law so that people can understand their legal options, make informed decisions and, when necessary, represent themselves in court. IllinoisLegalAid.org is a statewide website created in partnership between Illinois Legal Aid and Land of Lincoln Legal Aid to provide a quality online experience to low-income and elderly residents who seek quality services and resources for the most common legal problems. Mirror Group LLC analyzed Google Analytics website data to evaluate a Technology Innovation Grant project and promote evaluation capacity building for long-term organizational development, accountability, and workplace learning.

For 18 years, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) lowers barriers to the law so that people can understand their legal options, make informed decisions and, when necessary, represent themselves in court. IllinoisLegalAid.org is a statewide website created in partnership between Illinois Legal Aid and Land of Lincoln Legal Aid to provide a quality online experience to low-income and elderly residents who seek quality services and resources for the most common legal problems. Mirror Group LLC analyzed Google Analytics website data to evaluate a Technology Innovation Grant project and promote evaluation capacity building for long-term organizational development, accountability, and workplace learning.

KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit dedicated to giving all kids, especially those living in poverty, safe places to play. As of the end of 2018, KaBOOM! has directly built over 3,100 playgrounds. Combined with our other grants over our 20+ year history. KaBOOM! has built or improved over 17,000 playspaces. Mirror Group LLC supported an all-team retreat to document the process of equitable organizational activities for strategic planning, alignment, and implementation. 

KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit dedicated to giving all kids, especially those living in poverty, safe places to play. As of the end of 2018, KaBOOM! has directly built over 3,100 playgrounds. Combined with our other grants over our 20+ year history. KaBOOM! has built or improved over 17,000 playspaces. Mirror Group LLC supported an all-team retreat to document the process of equitable organizational activities for strategic planning, alignment, and implementation. 

IllinoisLegalAid.org is a statewide website created in partnership between Illinois Legal Aid and Land of Lincoln Legal Aid to provide a quality online experience to low-income and elderly residents who seek quality services and resources for the most common legal problems. Funded through a Legal Service Corporation (LSC) 2016 Technology Initiative Grant (TIG), Mirror Group LLC evaluated a predictive model and personalization engine, found on the statewide website IllinoisLegalAid.org. Based on a statewide website user’s profile and past use, and the aggregated and analyzed profiles and behaviors of other users and legal aid clients, Mirror Group documented discovery, weekly status reports, and final evaluation, including recommendations.

IllinoisLegalAid.org is a statewide website created in partnership between Illinois Legal Aid and Land of Lincoln Legal Aid to provide a quality online experience to low-income and elderly residents who seek quality services and resources for the most common legal problems. Funded through a Legal Service Corporation (LSC) 2016 Technology Initiative Grant (TIG), Mirror Group LLC evaluated a predictive model and personalization engine, found on the statewide website IllinoisLegalAid.org. Based on a statewide website user’s profile and past use, and the aggregated and analyzed profiles and behaviors of other users and legal aid clients, Mirror Group documented discovery, weekly status reports, and final evaluation, including recommendations.

As the Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs only field office, Open Society Institute-Baltimore focuses on the root causes of three intertwined problems in our city and state: drug addiction, an over-reliance on incarceration, and obstacles that …

As the Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs only field office, Open Society Institute-Baltimore focuses on the root causes of three intertwined problems in our city and state: drug addiction, an over-reliance on incarceration, and obstacles that impede youth in succeeding inside and out of the classroom. Mirror Group LLC is conducting a process evaluation of the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP), which is a unique public/private partnership designed to provide emergency financial assistance to Baltimore City residents who are having difficulty meeting their need for food and other household items due to COVID-19. The initiative was designed and planned collaboratively by a diverse and representative set of stakeholders, including the City of Baltimore, OSI-Baltimore and community based organizations that are vital to the success and impact of the effort.

Pathfinder International is driven by the conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, have the right to decide whether and when to have children, to exist free from fear and stigma, and to lead the lives they choose. Mirror Group LLC is supporting Pathfinder's organizational research, learning, facilitation, and equitable transformation processes with the values of respect, courage, collaboration, innovation and integrity at the center of our work.

RTP Evaluators is the Eastern North Carolina local chapter of the American Evaluation Association. Mirror Group LLC designed and facilitated a half-day professional development workshop for the membership titled Deliberately Enacting Culturally Resp…

RTP Evaluators is the Eastern North Carolina local chapter of the American Evaluation Association. Mirror Group LLC designed and facilitated a half-day professional development workshop for the membership titled Deliberately Enacting Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: A Guide to Practical Tools and Processes.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the nation's largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health. Since 1972, they have supported research and programs targeting some of America's most pressing health issues--from substance abuse to improving access to quality health care. Mirror Group LLC  supported RWJF's New Jersey Team in their vision and theory of change refinement and strategy alignment.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the nation's largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health. Since 1972, they have supported research and programs targeting some of America's most pressing health issues--from substance abuse to improving access to quality health care. Mirror Group LLC supported RWJF's New Jersey Team in their vision and theory of change refinement and strategy alignment.

The Union of Concerned Scientists is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1969 by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Joining with people across the country, The UCS combines technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future with the mission to use rigorous, independent science to solve our planet's most pressing problems. Mirror Group LLC developed a  2.5-day Equitable Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (eMEAL) workshop for use and action by the broad range of UCS staff and senior leadership.

The Union of Concerned Scientists is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1969 by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Joining with people across the country, The UCS combines technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future with the mission to use rigorous, independent science to solve our planet's most pressing problems. Mirror Group LLC developed a 2.5-day Equitable Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (eMEAL) workshop for use and action by the broad range of UCS staff and senior leadership.