The field of evaluation is being challenged to utilize a process that considers who is being evaluated and who is conducting the evaluation. Within this, increasing attention has been paid to how race and culture influence evaluation processes. This represents an important step forward in perspective and priority, yet evaluators often lack concrete mechanisms to ensure feasibility and sustainable integration into their work. This workshop addresses this gap by focusing on frameworks and tools recently developed by MPHI. These enable the deliberate development of an evaluation process that takes race, culture, equity, and community context into consideration.
Date/Time: September 11, 9:15 am – 12:30 pm (EST)
Location: Virtual Gathering, register at
Learning Objectives: As a result of this workshop, you will…
Learn key elements of a framework that can improve the quality of evaluation in diverse settings, using a culturally responsive and racial equity lens.
Gain experience applying culturally responsive and racial equity lenses to a specific RFP and project design.
Brainstorm specific next steps to apply in your evaluation practice.
In recognition of the difficult economic times for many, we are aiming to keep registration fees particularly low this year.
RTPE Member – $50
Non-RTPE Member – $60
Student – $35
Dr. Mindelyn Anderson is the Founder + Principal of Mirror Group LLC, a consulting firm that leverages partnerships with fellow evaluators, researchers, subject matter experts, and change makers to bring collaborative, participatory, utilization-focused evaluation and capacity-building to communities and learning organizations.
For 19 years, Dr. Anderson has researched social inequality and stratification, race and migration, education and social mobility. She has conducted evaluations with and provided technical assistance and training to community-based, regional, national and international non-profit, for-profit, and educational organizations. Her utilization-focused participatory evaluation practice is informed by Culturally-Responsive and Racial Equity Evaluation and values diversity, equity, and inclusion as integral components of high-quality evaluation.
An alumna of the inaugural cohort of Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD) Fellowship at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, her previous higher education appointments include Program Director of the Masters of Science in Measurement and Evaluation at American University, Honors Faculty-in-Residence and Assistant Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at Northeastern University, and Marilyn Yarbrough Fellow at Kenyon College. Her scholarship has been supported by sponsors including the National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, and National Institutes of Health. Dr. Anderson has also held fellowships at American Institutes for Research and Mathematica Policy Research.