After completing a Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD) Fellowship at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in 2016, Mindelyn Anderson founded Mirror Group LLC to continue her 10+ years support of culturally responsive and racial equity work in communities and organizations. The Mirror Group value proposition is extensive experience in both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methodologies, as well as a thorough understanding of the importance of collecting information with a view toward useful, effective, and actionable reporting for strategic planning, funding, sustainability, and long-term impact.
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We at Mirror Group know that finding the right support for your organization is no easy feat. Whether your needs include research, evaluation, training, facilitation, or coaching in service of equitable initiatives, we provide custom-fit solutions plus nimble access to deep expertise partners to support your targeted operations.
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Our mission is to make data meaningful, accessible, and actionable with learning organizations and the communities we love.
✓ We uphold cultural competence, equity, and capacity building as rigorous excellence.
✓ Our work is driven by the inclusion of diverse and authentic voices.
✓ We provide nimble access to deep expertise partners to support equitable operations.
✓ Our measure of success is to work ourselves out of a job.
✓ We are accountable to the individuals, communities, and institutions that we serve.
✓ Our consulting approach is collaborative, participatory, and iterative.
Founder + Principal
Mindelyn Anderson, PhD
For 20 years, Dr. Anderson has researched social inequality and stratification, race and migration, education and social mobility, and health. Prior to founding Mirror Group, Mindelyn served as the Program Director of the Master’s of Science in Measurement and Evaluation at American University, Honors Faculty in Residence and Assistant Professor of Sociology and African American Studies at Northeastern University, and Marilyn Yarbrough Fellow at Kenyon College. Her scholarship has been supported by sponsors including the National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, and National Institutes of Health. Dr. Anderson has also held fellowships at American Institutes for Research and Mathematica Policy Research. She has conducted evaluations with and provided technical assistance and training for philanthropic, community-based, regional, national and international non-profit, for-profit, and educational organizations. Her utilization- focused, participatory evaluation practice is informed by Culturally-Responsive and Racial Equity Evaluation and values equity, systems change, and transformation as integral components of high quality consulting. In addition to leading evaluation, learning, and strategy at Mirror Group she currently serves as Program Co-Chair of the American Evaluation Association Independent Consulting Topical Interest Group, Washington Evaluators' Co-Coordinator of Evaluators Without Borders, and Reviewer for the American Journal of Evaluation. Mindelyn’s happy place is co-creating the art and science of making data and evaluation meaningful, accessible, and actionable with learning organizations and the communities we at Mirror Group love!
Johns Hopkins University
PhD, Sociology
B.A., Sociology
Minor, Anthropology
Minor, Policy Studies
• Learning & Strategy
• Process Evaluation
• Implementation Evaluation
• Facilitation
• Training & Workshops
Activities & Affiliations
• American Evaluation Association (AEA)
• Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA)
• Expert Hub (Catalyst-Ed)
Professional Development Trainings
• Intersectional Qualitative Research Methods Institute (IQRMI)
• Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD)
• Virtues Project™ International Facilitator (VP)
• Interrupting Bias (KS-G)
• Implementation Research and Equity (NIRN)
Core Team
Adrian Neely, PhD
Adrian N. Neely serves as a Research & Evaluation Consultant at Mirror Group, LLC. She received her BS in Biology and MEd in Science Education from the University of Georgia and her Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning from Georgia State University. As a health policy research scholar, Dr. Neely developed a conceptual framework for school connectedness drawing on ecological models of social determinants of health. Dr. Neely uses qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to examine racial health and education disparities. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experiences from various administrative roles, professional learning communities, and research and evaluation teams. Dr. Neely is passionate about improving children’s educational experiences by developing equitable measures and approaches to program and policy evaluation.
Georgia State University
PhD, Teaching and Learning
Certificate in Program Evaluation & Quantitative Research Methods
University of Georgia
M.Ed., Science Education
B.S., Biology
• School Connectedness and Belonging
• K-12 School Accountability and Reform
• Culturally Responsive Praxis
• Program Evaluation & Technical Assistance
• Project Management
• Research, Data Analysis, & Reporting
Activities & Affiliations
•American Evaluation Association (AEA)
•American Educational Research Association (AERA)
•Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS)
Professional Development Trainings
•Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Research Fellow
•100 Million Healthier Lives: Community of Solutions Leader
Corron Sanders, PhD
Corron Sanders, PhD is a data scientist with more than 10 years of experience in research design and program evaluation. At Mirror Group she leads data analytics projects, sets quantitative evaluation strategy, and serves as a subject matter expert on a range of client projects. Dr. Sanders has coupled her unique skills to provide key insights for business analytics teams, community projects and organization wide projects. Dr. Sanders received her doctorate in Preventive Medicine and Community Health from the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB). She has served as a researcher in the Population Health team at Children’s Health System of Texas and a Clinical Manager for a National Institutes of Health. She was also part of the inaugural cohort of the Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity. Dr. Sanders has a passion to disseminate information for practical and meaningful use. She uses all data (big, small, structured and unstructured) to help organizations find solutions to their complex challenges.
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
PhD, Preventative Medicine and Community Health
Baylor University
B.A., Psychology
• Research & Intervention
• Program Evaluation
• Data Analysis & Visualization
• Strategic Planning
• Business Analytics
Keiyitho Omonuwa, MPH
Keiyitho Omonuwa is a Research and Evaluation Assistant at Mirror Group, LLC. In this position she works in a team to design, collect, analyze, and disseminate quantitative and qualitative data to support organizational learning and capacity building. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from Emory University in Theater Studies and went on to receive a Master’s in Public Health from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health. During her Master’s program she focused on food justice through her work as a Graduate Fellow for the Center for Community Capital and her Capstone project with local hunger relief organizations. Keiyitho combines her theater and public health skills to center the lived experiences of a range of stakeholders in all stages of research and evaluation.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health
MPH, Health Behavior
Emory University
B.A., Theater Studies
• Qualitative Research and Analysis
• Quantitative Survey Creation
• Meeting and Group Facilitation
• Landscape Analysis and Policy Scans
• Asset Mapping and Needs Assessment
LaShaune Johnson, PhD
LaShaune Johnson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at Creighton University. She is the founder of Estella Lucia Evaluation, LLC and a Consultant at Mirror Group where she co-facilitates accountability practice circles, trainings, workshops, and strategic planning retreats and serves as a subject matter expert on a range of client projects. She received her PhD in Sociology from the University of California-Santa Barbara. She was a Medieval/ Renaissance Studies and Sociology double major at Wellesley College. She is a public health researcher who focuses on health equity, community partnerships, and cultural humility. Her primary research areas are Muslim maternal/child health, African American breast cancer disparities, and LGBTQ cancer-related distress. She is the Community Liaison for the Creighton University at Highlander Accelerator; and is currently a New Generation Fellow with the Place-Based Justice Network. She is a former Annie E. Casey LEEAD fellow. As a storyteller, she frequently employs arts-based methods. She has provided evaluation services to youth, health, public education, juvenile justice/foster care, and equity projects.
Activities & Affiliations
•American Evaluation Association (AEA)
•Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA)
•Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS)
•American Sociological Association (ASA)
Professional Development Trainings
•New Generation Place-Based Justice Network Fellowship
•Health Disparities Research Education Certificate Program, Creighton University
•Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD)
•Development Evaluation Fellowship, Sherwood Foundation
University of California, Santa Barbara
PhD, Sociology
Doctoral Certificate, Human Development
Doctoral Certificate, Feminist Studies
Wellesley College
B.A., Sociology
B.A., Medieval/ Renaissance Studies
• Program Evaluation
• Data Collection & Analysis
• Writing
• Research
Mary Aleta White, PhD
Mary Aleta White is a Project Director at Mirror Group, LLC. She is dedicated to providing usable data, aligned to clear frameworks, that help organizations measure their impact, over time, and adjust programs as needed. As project lead, her experience in mixed methods research and evaluation supports Mirror Group’s partners as they develop insights that help illuminate their processes and impact. Dr. White earned a doctoral degree in Educational Policy Studies from Arizona State University where she developed expertise in STEM education (K-16) and synthesizing frameworks designed to broaden participation in education. Her research interests center on diversity, equity, and inclusion in postsecondary education, STEM education and careers, as well as the intersection of policy, programs, and results in education.
Activities & Affiliations
•American Evaluation Association (AEA)
•Washington Evaluators (WE)
•Arizona Evaluation Network (AEN)
•American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Professional Development Trainings
•Racial Equity Institute Groundwater Training
•Soul Focused Group Sending the Right Signal Training
•NIMBios Multi-Scale Evaluation Training
Arizona State University
MFA, Creative Writing
PhD, Educational Policy Studies
Florida State University
B.A., English Literature/ Women’s Studies
• Evaluation and Research Design
• Mixed Methods Research
• Facilitation of Data Collection and Review
• Report and Presentation Writing
• Literature Review and Meta-Synthesis
• Quantitative Meta- Analysis
LaShay Harvey, PhD
LaShay Harvey, PhD, a sexologist with almost 20 years of experience as an educator, is an Archival Research Fellow at Mirror Group. Dr. Harvey’s career and research focuses on the master and meta narratives that inform Black girls’ and women’s sexual and reproductive development. Dr. Harvey received her doctorate in Human Sexuality Studies and her Master’s degree in Education focusing on sexuality education from Widener University. Dr. Harvey has worked on research programs at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Bayview Medical Center that focus on standards of care for adolescents diagnosed with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) as well as studies dealing with infertility. She has also taught courses on sexuality, gender and race at Morgan State University, The University of Baltimore, Towson University, Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and the American Medical Student Association. Dr. Harvey has received teaching awards and faculty fellowships for her pedagogical approach to education.
Activities & Affiliations
•Advisory Council for BI+POC (Black, Indigenous + People of Color) | MICA
• Society of Black Scholars in Human Sexuality | Widener University
Professional Development Trainings
•“Sex + Race + Reproduction: Where does justice live?” Planned
•Parenthood of Hudson and Peconic Staff Enrichment Day
•“Sexual Health Curriculum Training of Educators” Presented to Quest for Change
•“Master Narratives and Contraception: Who is it all for?” Presented for Concepts in Human Sexuality Graduate Class, Widener University
Widener University
PhD, Human Sexuality Studies
M. Ed., Human Sexuality Studies
University of Central Florida
B.A., Communications
• Research & Intervention
• Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis •Writing
Natalie Scheidler, PhD
Natalie Scheidler is an instructor in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Montana State University, an instructor in the History Department at Black Hills State University, and an Archival Research Fellow at Mirror Group, LLC. As an interdisciplinary scholar, her research draws on history, film theory, cultural studies, critical race theory, and feminist studies and focuses on forms of physical, legal, and epistemic violence in U.S. history. At the heart of her research and teaching is the belief that the study of the past is necessary to inform political activism in the present. As a public historian and consultant, she is committed to utilizing quantitative and qualitative research to support organizations and communities in diverse and creative ways.
Montana State University
PhD, U.S. History
Kansas State University
M.A. English (Cultural Studies and British & American Literature)
Northern Michigan University
B.S., History
• Archival research methods and collection processing
• Data analysis
• Interdisciplinary framework building in Literature, cultural theory, history, film theory, and feminist theory
Activities & Affiliations
• Faculty Advisor, Triota National Honors Society
• Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program Committee, Montana State University
Professional Development Trainings
•“The Making of an Addict: Race & the History of Opioid Use in the Urban American West,” Medical History Conference of the West
•“Lynching Portraiture and Subjective Understandings of Identity,” the Multi- Disciplinary Symposium
•“Naturalizing Gender Hierarchies and the Invention of Sex in Eighteenth-Century Science,” MSU Women’s Center Seminar
•Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom and First Amendment Rights of Public Employees
• Employment Law Certificate Program